The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy 2012!!!'s been a while. I'm sorry. Can we still be friends? 

Whew! Ok. Now that that part is done,
it's time to recap the holiday season.


November came and went so quickly. And the sad part is
that it wasn't really eventful until
So here is a few pictures to show how things
went down

I finally perfected the crust. 

Here is the completed work of art. My hubby really
outdid himself with this one.

Only a minor injury was sustained.
Here is a little tidbit of advice...
DON'T cut cold butter with a dull steak knife.
It hurts.
You will swear.
No will.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun!
We spent it at my parent's house and enjoyed 
all the fun and food.
It wasn't so cold this year
which made it very nice.


December was a little strange this year.
It didn't really snow.
It didn't really get cold.
It was kind of bizarre.

But, we made do.

I received a wonderful early 
present my SOL Jenn.
It has become my motto

I love it! I drink my green tea out of it

We got around to putting up the tree
and, as always, it was fun!

Putting the tree together is an adventure every year
One of these years I will find
a way to make it easier

Christmas on Center Street 2011
can now begin!

I am sure that for everyone,
December is a very
stressful month.
I had a few naughty moments
but I didn't care.
For example,
this was my breakfast 
for a couple mornings

No, not the healthiest. The hubby
did pack me a breakfast,
but it was gone by 8 am and
I was still hungry.

Here is what saved me a couple times.
Try the Vanilla Coke Zero.
It's yummy.
My iPod is pretty much what
gets me through the day
at work.

On Christmas Eve,
my parents treated us to a wonderful
dinner at The Grand America Hotel
in  downtown SLC.
It was AMAZING!!!
There was so many different types
of yummy food.
And crab.
LOTS of crab.
King crab
Snow crab
all pre-cut and ready to eat.
The butter sauce was off the chain.

Here are some pictures we took after dinner
while walking around.

Me and the hubby outside the toy shop

I can be a flying princess too!

The beautiful tree outside in the courtyard with my mom and sister Gina in front

Such a cool star!

My mom and Gina again

The Gates ladies after dinner
L-R: Jill, Wendi, Gina, Mom, Andrea and ME!!!

I want this tree!

Christmas Day was wonderful!
I got some sweet pink Bear Paw slippers
and the Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 game.
That came in handy when I got
the stomach flu and was down for a few days 
following Christmas.
Not cool. Once again, I hurt.
I swore...a lot.

In my stocking,
the hubby gave me a cute little monkey 
to add to my collection of decorations at work

Our nephew, K, gave me the flower
on our first Valentines Day together.
And, of course, our engagement picture.
It's nice to have these on my desk.
The monkey kind of looks like the hubby.
I love it!

So that was our holiday season. 
I don't have any resolutions this year.
I think it will take some time to come up with some.

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