The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


So sad...and yet I couldn't resist!

Hello? Is anyone there? We have a 7:15 appointment!

     These photos were taken the day after Kiddie Kandids closed their stores. The creepy thing is that since no one was told that this would be happening, the computers were still on, the appointment book still opened on the counter and a sale sign that was advertising a 40% off sale that was to run until today...January 17th. Needless to say, that didn't happen! I was very irate to learn that none of the employees were going to be getting the paycheck that they had already earned! And they were told via e-mail. The dirty dogs that couldn't at least plan for that should be taken out behind the barn. Now if people want their paycheck, they have to go to court to settle it. It makes me sick. 
   But, as Mike and I are sick-minded people, we took this photo at South Town Mall. People were walking by, a little confused, but still laughing. It's sad to see that the world is coming to in these rough economic times. I hope the employees can find something soon.
    On a happy note, baby brother got married this past weekend. It was a wonderful day filled with good times, amazing food, and spiritual enlightenment. I will be posting more about that another time. As for now, have a great week and I hope to see you back here soon!

1 comment:

teacakebiscuit said...

that's so sad. I'm amazed when stores SUDDENLY close like that without warning. and I feel bad for the employees.