The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010!

Well friends, we made it. It's a new year, and new decade and a new chance to break resolutions and come up with new ones in March! I hope everyone had a pleasant Christmas and New Year. Ours was spent going from family to family, laughing with the kids and mocking the adults. It was a very busy time, but it was wonderful to spend it with the people I love and remember what life is really about. I will post pictures soon, because that's what Santa Mike got me for Christmas, as well as the 3rd annual Christmas Shoes Pageant. For those who don't know about the tradition of the Christmas Shoes, this will be a new experience!

So as I sit here on Sunday night, trying not to get too depressed about going back to work tomorrow, I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish this year. Last year was full of surprises and trying to survive, but I have a good feeling about this year. There will be some changes; Andy getting married in two weeks, Mike going back to school, and paying off the copious amounts of medical bills that were racked up over the past year and a half. (Yes, they will all be paid off by the end of this year!) But most things will stay the same; working, living, loving and enjoying life.

I do have to admit something. I am kind of hoping by the end of this year that we can start a family. Yes...I said it. I want a baby! Now, this has been, and will continue to be, a back and forth thing. There are days when I would love nothing more then to be a mommy with a little one running around. Good example: Today, my niece Kiley was blessed. We all made the trek to Clinton and were treated to a sacrament meeting in a LARGE family ward. Lots of kids...very loud. My ward? Not so much. During this hour, we were entertained by baby Jack. He is one of the funniest little kids I know. My little nephew will be 2 this week, and he has such a little personality. As we sat in the chapel, two rows behind my brother's family, Jack was waving and pointing and making faces. We got the giggles. Then he came back and sat on Mike's lap while looking at a book. Not only was Mike trying to teach Jack that the three Nephites are named Larry, Curly and Moe, but Jack was making faces and saying Amen really loud after any one else did. We got the giggles. Again. But this time, we got the church giggles. Those are the giggles that you have to keep quite, but can't because you are gasping for air and trying not to be asked to leave. And the best part? Jack was telling us about his cowboy birthday planned for Friday night. I enjoyed having him on my lap and it felt like we kind of had our own little family.

But then there are moments where I want the little shits, also known as children, to shut their pie holes and go away. That would be the family that was sitting behind us during sacrament meeting. And my biggest issues with these little shits is not really the kids, but the parents, also known as big shits. They totally tune out their child and allow them to do whatever, whenever and however loud they wish to be. Perfect example: ANY CHILD WITH THEIR PARENTS AT WAL-MART!!! Because we all know that when you can hear a child crying, you have been at Wal-mart too damn long! This cures me of my desire to have children and I can go home to my quiet apartment and go to bed whenever I want. So...we'll work on that one.

So, here is my list of resolutions that I want to be better at keeping for the year ahead. In no particular order:

  1. I am going to try to keep up on the dishes and other housework. I feel more calm and and at peace when my house is clean and tidy. I also don't like the way Mike does it. I know, I'm the one with the issues, so I will do it and not worry about it. It will take more effort, but if I can get into a routine, it should be ok.
  2. I need to be more consistent with reading my scriptures. We are studying the Old Testament in Sunday School and I want to keep up with it. 
  3. Now that sacrament meeting starts at 11, I have no excuse not to go more consistently. I have been doing a lot better about that this past month. We have a great ward with wonderful people and it's time for me to get more involved. 
  4. I am going to be better about getting to work on time...EVERYDAY... and working harder. 
  5. I need to be more patient as a wife. Nuff said.
  6. Need to attend the temple more...for SO many reasons.
I think that pretty much covers it. I will start exercising again and getting back into shape for all of this year's 5K races that Wendi and I plan on doing. I miss that. So, here is to a new year and I hope and pray that this year will be better for everyone!


Jenn said...

Holly! I love your descriptions of the little and big shits. I wish you luck in your goals for this year and hopefully your mind will come to peace either way about having kids :)

Sandra said...


Great entry. For the record, two kids later, I still go back and forth between wanting them and not. :) I miss just being able to come home and do what I want. Or going places without loading up a truckload of crap.

Good descriptions of the little/big shits. Every ward has a family like that and your goal should be to not be that family. And not everyone who brings a kid to wal-mart is guilty. I've led mine out the door, leaving a full cart behind. But yes, I do know what you mean.

Gates said...

I love reading your posts Holly! You make me laugh and cry (good cry) You are amazing. love ya :) Thank you for loving my family xoxo