The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I wish I had a camera for this one...

So last night, for the first time in a long time, I felt older then I really am! I am 28. I like to think that I am hip and up on my pop culture. I don't look 28 nor to I feel 28 most of the time. However...when the average age of the people in the room is 17, I felt more like I was 40. (And there's nothing wrong with 40!!!)

I went with my sister, Wendi, and my cousin, Mandy, and her friends to the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus concert at the Murray Theater. I went because Wendi needed a buddy, and because FACE DOWN is one of my favorite songs. So we get there...there are 5 other bands that are touring with them. The first few were NOT so good. However, I fell in love with one of the bands.

This is Monty Are I!!!

They are from Rhode Island and I had never heard of them before. But for being a scream-o band, they were awesome to watch! There was guitars, keyboards, brass and fantastic live vocals. Go to their website or even YouTube and check out their song "One in a Million". I am in love with that song now. Of course it was during their set that people were getting hauled out by security for violent moshing. One girl got hit and was knocked out cold. Another one passed out, but that's because she looked like she needed to eat a sammich and put some meat on her bones.

The best part of the WHOLE night was when Red Jumpsuit was singing FACE DOWN and the lead singer from Monty Are I came out to sing with him. It was totally worth the almost 5 hours we had waited for them to play and the ringing ears. (Memo to me...EAR PLUGS!!!) It was wonderful. We all had a good time, but we learned some good lessons from this.

  1. If there are other bands opening, don't come for at least an hour after the show starts. It was not so fun and you can save your ears. I woke up with a pounding headache this morning and I wanted to die a little.
  2. Don't stand near the middle! This is where the moshing is. I had to pull Wendi out of the way a few times but she still got attacked. Hope her knee is doing better today.
  3. EARPLUGS!!! Always bring ear plugs! My left ear is still ringing today. You'd think I would have learned all of this by now. I'll need hearing aids by the time I'm 50.
  4. And last, but not least...always bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer! I felt so gross by the time I left and needed to wash my hands or something.
I am very glad that I went though. Wendi even had a good time. But I know if we take these lessons we learned and put them to use when We the Kings come on February 26th, we will have a much better time. The Murray is a wonderful little venue and the acoustics were awesome. And the best part? The Murray is half a block from my house. I walked home in less then a minute. SWEET!

So...if anyone is interested in coming with Wendi and I to We the Kings in February, let me know. It will be a good time.

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