The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

3 Years and Counting

June 13, 2008

Three years ago today, or tomorrow, however you want to look at it,
I married my best friend. It was a Friday the 13th.
We were sealed for time and all eternity in the Bountiful Temple
by none other that President Mac Christensen,
but better known as Mr Mac, the suit guy.

It was a perfect June day. The weather was beautiful and warm,
but not too warm. There was a slight breeze and only a few
clouds in the sky. Mark Eubank from KSL Weather
assured me that the weather would cooperate with my outside
reception plans and the rest of the weekend.

It was such a calm day...and yet I don't remember a whole lot about it.
I think that's normal for brides.
But I do remember a few key things from that day.
I remember that Mike and I promised to love and support each other
and to sustain one another for all of eternity.
We promised not to judge each other, at least for the first year.
We promised before friends and family, on both sides of the veil,
that we would strive to be an eternal family. 

The Wedding Party
Three years later, we are still working on those things.
We are working on patience and understanding 
and trying not to judge each other.
Mike and I have grown so much since that day
And I am thankful for that.

I am thankful for a husband that loves and supports me.
He does everything he can to support out little family.
Mike reminds me often about the blessings we have 
and how lucky we are. 
He known how to calm me down when I freak out
and make me laugh when I am down.

Thank you for the past three years honey! 
I can honestly say I love you more
today than I did then.
And that was a heck of a lot!

My superhero!

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