The Rohde Family

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Thoughts On the Subject

I have had several things on my mind as of late. One of the most pressing and difficult thoughts I have had is how I really feel about all the nonsense in the media about Mormons and Homosexuals. This is a subject that has been a very delicate subject for me to address and think about. With all of the comments on forums, newsroom chats and Facebook, there have been so many ideas and views shared, some full of acceptance, some full of ignorance and some full of just plain hate. So, in an attempt to try and figure out exactly how I feel, I will write out my thoughts. Please don't judge me for my beliefs and ideas. I am but human and therefore can't see the whole picture of the grand plan. many Mormons, I too was watching General Conference two weekends ago. And I too heard the talk that Pres. Packer gave on Pornography. I did not, however, hear a talk about hate and discrimination. It brought up some interesting questions, like why would our Heavenly Father implant the roots of homosexual feelings if He knows it is a sin? Why would He want us to suffer by choosing to live that lifestyle?

I guess I should just cut to the chase. I don't know why some people are gay and others are straight. I don't know why some people are tall and others are short. While they are two different subjects, it still shows that there are somethings that we just don't know. I also don't know why some people actually CHOOSE to be homosexual. But I also don't know why some people are faced with handicaps, be they physical or mental. I don't know why some people struggle with alcohol and others with drugs. The only one who KNOWS the whys and why not's is our Heavenly Father. We have no room to judge. When it comes down to it, the Lord knows our hearts and will be there to help us at the day of judgement. We will all have things to answer for and things to pay for. No one will leave this life unscathed. 

I don't care if you are gay or straight. I have many friends that are gay. I love them just as much as I love my other friends and family. They are good people and want nothing but to live by the good old fashion Golden Rule. I want them to be happy. Everyone deserves to find love and to be loved. I believe that a person can be gay and still hold a temple recommend.  What what? You say... How can this be?! Here's can be attracted to members of the opposite sex, but you can also choose whether to act on it or not. Would it be hard not to act on that? You betcha! Is it do-able? Yes. I know many homosexual Mormons that have decided that keeping the commandments and living in accordance with the teachings of the gospel is more important to them then acting on their tendencies.  And they are loved and accepted members of their wards and families. 

I believe that homosexual couples should have the right to a civil union and the rights associated with that. Now, to call it marriage would be incorrect, only because of the actual definition of the word marriage. 

  • Marriage:  
    The formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife

(Thank you, Google Dictionary!) 

Now, before we get up in arms about this, I do believe that homosexuality is not natural. When it comes to procreating and populating the Earth, there are two things that must be in order for this to happen. You need an egg and a sperm. They need to meet, come together, and the Big Bang Theory occurs again. When there are two members of the same sex that come together, the ability to naturally create life is gone. This is the most basic reason as to why same sex attraction is not natural. In the temple, and in many church-officiated weddings, the couple is commanded to go forth and replenish the Earth. Homosexual couples cannot keep this commandment because together they cannot procreate. Therefore, they cannot have an eternal marriage and be sealed in the temple. This is why many religious groups condemn homosexuality. It's a slight kink in the natural circle of life. Now, I don't want to go into how many couples these days have fertility issues and can't get pregnant on their own. That's not the point here. The point here is that a heterosexual couple have a higher chance of procreating naturally than a homosexual couple. 

Do I believe that the LDS church should conform and change their doctrine to appease the masses? ABSOLUTELY NOT! And you know what? They never will. They are never going to change their stance on homosexuality. They aren't. It's not going to happen. They are not like the Vatican. Just saying! And I'm glad that they won't. The gospel won't change and that kind of consistency is part of why I believe in this church. 
Will they try to teach more love in tolerance? Yes. They already are. We have been told to love our neighbors, love our families and to be kind to EVERYONE! If you have a homosexual child, you are told to love them and help them in anyway, not to hate them and disown them. More and more church leaders are teaching love and respect. They are still our brothers and sisters and need to be treated as such. 

With all this being said, I also need to say STOP BLAMING THE MORMONS FOR PROP 8! Would you like to know that majority of people who voted for it? Old Southern Baptist Women. They were the majority. Not the Mormons. Get over yourselves. Stop coming to Utah to protest. We couldn't vote in the CALIFORNIA election. It's not our fault. Learn your facts and get over it. MORMONS DON'T HATE THE GAYS! 

Thank you for letting me get this out. I think I have worked through my issues and know where I stand now. I will follow what the leaders of my church tell me, but I also will do what the Lord whispers into my heart, because at the end of the day, I will only have to answer to Him.


Sharon said...

Thanks Holly, you summed up so many of my thought beautifully! Can I link this to my facebook?

H.M. Rohde said...

Sure! That would be just fine.

Angie&Blake said...

Holly, this is very well written! You put into words what I have been feeling as well!
~Angie (Sanders)