The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

You Gotta Check This Out

Welcome to the end of August! Today is was only 70 degrees and it was AWESOME! I am so ready for fall to come and grace us with its presence. This summer has not been to bad, but I love the fall colors and the cooler "sweater weather". It makes me happy. It means college football is back, the world series is coming, Halloween is around the corner and so on. I really can't believe how fast this year has gone. I am having nightmares all the time about me waking up and it's Christmas morning and I had missed the whole build up. It's horrible.

As the days have passed, I have started to follow certain blogs. I love to hear other's stories about their lives, trials, triumphs and just all around good times. So, here are a few that I think you may like as well:

Reagan's Blob

This wonderful and quirky blog is about a woman in New York named Reagan, her husband and her adorable little girl by the name of Piper Jane. Piper was born with a condition called Cerebro Costo Mandibular Syndrome. There is very little known about this birth defect, but the photos of this little Pip will melt your heart. Click on the link above to check it out.

Nie Nie Dialogues

Here is a truly uplifting blog. The author, Stephanie, was in a terrible plane crash about two years ago in Arizona. She and her husband survived, but she was in a coma for four months and was burned on 83% of her body. She and her family now live in Utah and are dealing with their new life. She talks about her ups and downs and how she has been blessed to keep going on. Like the one above, click on the link and get your tissues.

CJane Enjoy It

This lovely lady is Stephanie's older sister and is just as witty and heart felt. When Stephanie was in her crash and she and her husband were in the hospital, Courtney took 3 of Stephanie's 4 kids and raised them for almost 8 months. She is a published author and has two adorable kids and a pretty awesome husband. She was also dealing with infertility for a few years before she finally got pregnant, had her baby and then took in the other kids.

So there you go. Check out these fun blogs, enjoy the pictures, and let me know what you think. I think these are just three women out of millions that are just trying to make it, live life and deal with the trials that are presented to them. So until later...peace out!

1 comment:

Gates said...

those are great blogs Holly thanks for sharing!