The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

House Cleaning = Nesting?

(My laundry room/kitchen)

My husband can be a very silly man sometimes. Today after church, and after a wonderful Sunday afternoon nap, I started doing some laundry. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I have a washer and dryer here IN MY APARTMENT! I know that I have mentioned it before, and I will continue to mention it. After living without one for over a year, it becomes a selling point. I fell in love with this apartment the moment I saw it. And this baby was what sold me.

Anyway, I was doing some laundry to get work clothes ready for the week. The Mr asked if I was ok. I said yes and asked why. He said that I was "nesting" and it concerned him. So...discuss. House cleaning = nesting? Or just taking advantage of the amenities in my home? He's cute. I'll keep him.

1 comment:

JennMatt said...

Holly, unless you are announcing something...I think cleaning is just cleaning.