The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's the end of the we know it!

So we are. We have reached the end of another year. And as far as I can tell, we made it relatively unscathed. Not too shabby!

There have been so many things on my mind over the last few months. Everything from politics to religion to why my feet are so cold right before I go to bed. And then everything in between. Life, as I know it, has not changed drastically. I will say that the Holidays have been wonderful this year. It has been good to spend time with family and friends. I must have been a good girl this year because I got everything I asked for. 

Beyond that, I have been trying to decide what to write about. I guess I could write about how I went through a rough patch a few months back and had to change my anti-anxiety medication. I could right about how the new medication made me go crazy and turn into a manic beast. Those were not so good times. I would even venture to say they were dark. So, I will not write about it. All that needs to be said is that I have changed medications, again, and to the pleasure of my husband, I am me again. I feel better than I have in quite a while. Huzzah!!!

I could write about my feelings on the election and how upset I was over the division of the country. I could tell the story about who I voted for and why I feel alienated by a certain political group. But that was during those dark days. I have come to peace with my feelings and feel very optimistic for the future. So, I will not write about that. 

I could write about the over zealous people I have come in contact with regarding the LDS church and their need to be right and equal. PS - I did not wear pants to church a few Sundays ago. My clothing doesn't deter from my worship. Nor does it make me feel inferior to the opposite sex. It makes me feel like a lady, and I like that. But, I will not write about that. 

I would write about Christmas Shoes 2012...but that deserves it's own post.

No, I shall write about that happy things. My family is healthy, safe and sound. I have my loved ones around me, supporting me and loving me unconditionally. I have a good job and work with wonderful, caring people. 

But most of all, I want to talk about this little guy!

Little Squishy has had me wrapped around his finger since before he was born!

He is one spoiled little boy. Zander came and joined the family back in September and has been so much fun ever since. I can't believe that he is 3 1/2 months now! He is starting to try to talk and lets you know when he is not getting enough attention. Overall, he is a happy baby!

Here is a little video that Andrea, Squishy's mommy, made last week. It shows what a big boy he's becoming and his Nana doesn't like it one bit!

By the way, Nana is Andrea's mother, not mine. But my mom thinks he's getting too big as fast as well. 

And that is all I have to say about that. Stay tuned for the next post...Christmas Shoes 2012!!!

1 comment:

Gates said...

Horray for new blog posts!
Horry for adorable babies that make us happy!

XoXo Holly :)