The Rohde Family

We're still here!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas Shoes

 I know, I know. Christmas was over almost a month ago. But some stories are good year round. And as there are many people who have asked for this, here it is. The story of the Christmas Shoes!

 About ten years ago, a Christmas song was released called "The Christmas Shoes". It's a touching song about this business man who is at the store on Christmas Eve. He is standing in line behind this little boy who is trying to buy some shoes for his mom because she is dying and needs a new pair of shoes to wear when she meets Jesus. The man in line is so touched by this moment, that he buys the shoes for the boy, who didn't have enough money. Then there is a chorus of children singing "Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my momma please. It's Christmas time and these shoes are just her size. Could you hurry sir? Daddy says there's not much time. Mom's been sick for quite some time and I know these shoes would make her smile..." blah blah blah.

Now, for those who are keeping track at home, I am not a heartless person. This is a touching song. It's based off a book by the same name and even had a Hallmark channel movies made about it. I have heard a similar story, but it's from the little boy's point a view, many years later. It is precious that a little boy wants his mom to be happy and have something respectable to wear when she passes on. I get it...


The two radio stations here in Salt Lake that become Christmas Central from the beginning of November until New Years plays this song a lot. And I mean A LOT! Ad nauseum! To the point, that about 4 years ago, my own mother said something that I never would have expected to come out of her mouth.

We were on our way to a store one November afternoon, and the Christmas Shoes song came on the radio, for about the fifth time that afternoon. I was very adamant about changing the station when my mother yelled out "Your momma don't need no shoe! She dead!" We had to pull over to the side of the road because we were laughing so hard! Why were we laughing? Well, DUH! My mother only spouts gold like that in rare times. I was laughing so hard I was crying. We were telling that story for the next year, and still laughing just as hard.

The next year came around and through a series of e-mails and conversations, my mom and I decided that we need to have a contest. We were going to present each other with some Christmas Shoes. However, there were, and still are, some strict guidelines for this. The main rule was that they were to be as ugly and gaudy as possible. Why? Well, whenever we think of Christmas Shoes, we think of cheap shoes with more bling then Mr. T could ever imagine. Think of something that your crazy great aunt would find at the Fashion Bug or TJ Maxx. So the contest was on! And ever since then, each year has gotten a little more crazy and a little more blingy.

So this year, I was pretty sure that I had won. I had spent days going to fabric and craft stores. I couldn't find gold glitter anywhere in the valley, until I found a Wal-Mart that's find of hidden away. There I found all of my supplies and spent that evening with some Mariah Carey Christmas music and a hot glue gun. So, with that said, I present my creation for Christmas Shoes 2009!

That's right, friends! There is fringe, glitter and bells! I took a nice, regular red ballet flat and transformed it into a work of art! This is something that my momma could wear to meet Jesus and these would get her into heaven! I was so proud of my work. I even received some pumpkin bread that was wrapped in some plastic and the little gold sparkley ornament. There were two. I hit the jackpot.


On Christmas morning, I opened the Christmas Shoes from my mom. And yet again...I was left speechless. I have never seen something so hideous.

We called it a tie.

Stay tuned for next year's edition of the Christmas Shoes. It is bound to be bigger and better.


Sandra said...


And I'm so glad I'm not the only one who DETESTS that song. I visibly cringe when it comes on. Ugh! In fact, I'm reacting right now just thinking about it.

But I'm not sure I believe that your mom made that comment. :)

Love your blog. It's going in my reader.

H.M. Rohde said...

I know, right? Some of the things that are starting to come out of my mother's mouth shocks me...and then I laugh really hard!